Friday, December 26, 2008

No Riding Today....

But I hear Lance Armstrong is pregnant. Maybe his partner will give him hell for cycling so damn much like the rest of us get from our partners.

I am on my way to Berkeley tomorrow where I hope to get in some serious hill climbing. Sunday I am hopefully, weather permitting,  climbing Kings Mountain in San Mateo. I will be riding with my brother in law Alyosha, the Russian Architect, and his Imaginary Friend, Gary, who supposedly makes handbags if he actually existed. I owe a lot to Alyosha, he got me up Ventoux the first time I climbed it, in fact he did such a good job that I actually beat him to the summit. One hell of a motivator I think. I think Alyosha owes a lot to Gary, who he calls the Mozart of Cycling. I should benefit a lot from their wisdom and hopefully they will share it with me after waiting 46 minutes at the summit.

Check out this great site for all you ETAPE nuts wondering if you can get a refund after realizing what you have signed up for. Cyclefilm its called and its got lots of cool stuff to convince you you have made a mistake in participating. They have cool links to YouTube Videos about Ventoux stages of the Tour of France.


  1. Rex, I don't know why your bothering about the Power to Weight (in your case Weight to Power) thing. Go straight for the EPO,

    your nuts will shrink to California raisins saving you at least 10kg

    But congrats on hitting 48 mph (non-canine assisted) on the way down Kings Mtn. (At least, I'm assuming it was on the way down)

    All the best
    Hove Actually

  2. I like my nuts...speaking of nuts....
